Lydian Dental Case Study

Signs and Graphics Help Attract Dental Patients
The Challenge
Lydian Dental wanted to create an inviting environment for people visiting the dentist, as well as attract new patients to their mobile unit.
The Solution
A large outdoor sign that could be seen from a distance was designed and installed, and an oversized banner with the cheeky saying “I’d rather be at the dentist” was hung to help build awareness and communicate their personality.
For the permanent location, channel letters with a modern calligraphy type were installed. An A-frame sign on the sidewalk reminds people walking down the shopping center where the dentist is located. Inside, a vinyl wall graphic communicates Lydian Dental’s core values. To reinforce their efforts to provide a positive, comfortable environment, the large wall that clients face while sitting in the dental chair was covered with blue wallpaper featuring pinwheels of toothpaste squiggles.
The Lydian Dental mobile unit also needed an eye-catching element to attract attention. A four-foot tall toothbrush was attached to the front with dimensional letters and has become a conversational piece.

The Result
The signs and visual graphics created for Lydian Dental are visually interesting, project their warm brand culture and help create a welcoming environment for patients.
*FASTSIGNS® of Austin, TX - Burnet Rd. is owned by Jolie & Jordan Cypert.