Outdoor Signs

Five Types of Signs That Help Build Brand Awareness

Author: Nataly Chigireva

In today's busy market, making your brand easy to see is very important. Signs are more than just pointers; they represent your business without saying a word. A good sign does a lot—it not only shows where you are but also welcomes potential customers to discover what you have to offer.

Building Signs That Last: Best Practices for Design and Durability

Designing a sign is an art that requires a delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality. To craft a sign that effectively communicates your brand message and withstands the test of time, especially in outdoor settings, consider the following best practices:

  • Legibility is Key: The primary function of a sign is to convey information. Choose fonts and type sizes that are easy to read from a distance. High contrast between the text and background will enhance visibility.

  • Brand Consistency: Your signage should be an extension of your brand identity. Use your brand's color palette, logos, and typography consistently across all signage to reinforce brand recognition.

  • Color Selection: Colors not only reflect your brand but also influence visibility and readability. Bright colors can attract attention, but they must be used judiciously to ensure the sign remains professional and clear.

  • Appropriate Sizing: The size of your sign should correspond to its viewing distance. Larger signs are necessary for visibility from highways, while smaller signs may be more appropriate for pedestrian traffic.

  • Materials Matter: The longevity and impact of a sign often come down to the materials used. From the weather-resistant vinyl of outdoor banners to the sleek finish of custom window clings, the choice of material should reflect both the sign's purpose and the brand's image. Durable materials like outdoor mesh banners ensure your message stands the test of time, while the versatility of vinyl decals allows for creative expression on almost any surface.

  • Quality Construction: Invest in quality craftsmanship to ensure that your sign maintains its appearance over time. This includes secure fastenings for banners, sturdy bases for monument signs, and professional installation to prevent damage.

  • Environmental Harmony: Consider the surrounding environment where the sign will be placed. A sign should be noticeable but not clash with its surroundings. It should complement the local aesthetic and adhere to any zoning regulations or community standards.

  • Maintenance Considerations: Choose materials and finishes that are easy to clean and maintain. A well-maintained sign is more likely to catch the eye and reflects positively on your business.

By adhering to these design best practices, you can create outdoor signs that not only capture attention and communicate your brand's message but also stand the test of time, providing a lasting impression on your audience. Whether it's the bold statement of a monument sign or the mobile marketing power of vehicle graphics, the right design choices will ensure your signage remains an effective and enduring asset for your brand.

Effective signage serves as a beacon, drawing attention and distinguishing your business from the crowd. It's more than a marker; it's a visual statement of your brand's identity and values.

Five Types of Signs That Elevate Brand Awareness

1. Monument Sign: The Pillars of Presence

Monument signs are robust, permanent structures that often incorporate materials like stone, metal, or high-density foam. They are designed to be impressive and enduring, reflecting the stability and permanence of a brand. Best Practices: Use 3D lettering for depth, integrate landscaping for appeal, and include lighting for night-time visibility. Brand Awareness: These signs act as landmarks, making your location a familiar and reliable presence in the community.

Businesses use outdoor monument signs to help those passing by locate their business

2. Window Graphics: Visions of Branding

Window graphics use the real estate of your building's windows to create a visual narrative. Materials like vinyl decals and perforated window films offer flexibility and creativity. Best Practices: Balance transparency with branding, use high-quality graphics for clarity, and consider seasonal updates for freshness. Brand Awareness: They transform passive spaces into active advertising, inviting curiosity and engagement from onlookers.

Companies use window graphics to advertise products and services and share information about the brand

3. Sidewalk Signs: The Ambassadors of Foot Traffic

Sidewalk signs, including A-frame signs and sandwich boards, are portable and versatile, often made from weather-resistant materials like plastic or metal. Best Practices: Keep messaging concise, use vibrant colors for attention, and update regularly to reflect current deals. Brand Awareness: These signs can directly influence foot traffic, guiding potential customers to your doorstep.

4. Banners: The Movable Brand Billboards

Banners are flexible and can be made from vinyl, fabric, or mesh, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Best Practices: Ensure readability from a distance, use eye-catching designs, and secure them properly for safety and visibility. Brand Awareness: Banners are excellent for temporary promotions, events, or as long-term signage, making them a cost-effective advertising solution.

A banner hangs over a fence and draped from the side of a college building's walls

5. Vehicle Graphics: The Mobile Marketing Machines

Vehicle graphics turn company cars into traveling billboards. High-quality, adhesive vinyl wraps are the go-to materials. Best Practices: Highlight brand elements like logos and slogans, keep text legible, and focus on a simple, impactful design. Brand Awareness: These graphics reach a broad audience, turning every trip into a branding opportunity.

We recommend reviewing your signs and graphics on a regular basis to ensure that they are still relevant, clean and doing what you set out for them to do: attract attention and build awareness for your brand.

Signage as a Strategic Asset

Signage is a strategic asset in your marketing arsenal. By understanding the essence of what a sign is, selecting the right materials, adhering to design best practices, and choosing the types of signs that resonate with your brand, you can create a powerful visual impact. Each sign type offers unique advantages in building brand awareness and drawing in customers.

At FASTSIGNS, we're dedicated to crafting custom signs that capture your brand's spirit and message. Whether you're looking to establish a commanding presence with monument signs or spread the word with vehicle graphics, our expertise will help your brand shine. Connect with us to explore how our signage solutions can elevate your brand's visibility and leave a lasting impression.