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Custom Signs and Visual Solutions
in Harrisburg, PA

  • 500 Colonial Rd
    Harrisburg, PA 17112
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Your Trusted Visual Communication Partner

FASTSIGNS® of Harrisburg, PA helps businesses make a lasting impression. Large or small, every business has a story to tell. Our job is to help you tell yours with an impact that reaches your target audience.

Great companies start with a strong vision and a powerful sense of purpose. That vision sets the direction and guides our efforts, so we can stay focused on delivering market-shifting innovation and results for our customers.

We are here to help your business with everything from promoting new products or services with banners, window signs, or vehicle graphics, to custom logos. Let us assist you with helping you do better business with the most engaging, custom signage solutions around.

From building a comprehensive brand identity to developing effective advertising, we deliver a portfolio of products and services that create a unique image to enable you to succeed—and stand out from the competition. Our goal is to help your business communicate at its best.

This location is locally owned and operated.

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  • Products & Solutions

    Bring visibility to your business or event through signs and graphics, to digital signs and everything in between.

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You have an idea - we’re here to make it happen.

Your brand has a story to tell and an impression to make. The experts at FASTSIGNS® of Harrisburg, PA are ready to help you make a lasting impression with our custom solutions that go beyond the signs and banners we’re known for.

Explore Our Products

Some of the products we offer include: